Facultative class 5 - selected Issues of real estate valuation  

Approaches, methods and techniques of real estate valuation in Poland, including: types of approaches, methods and techniques of real estate estimation and the principles of their application. A comparative approach including: a method of comparison in pairs, a method of adjusting the average price, a method of statistical analysis of the market; An income approach including: the investment method, the profit method, the simple capitalization technique, the technique of discounting income streams; A cost approach including: the method of replacement costs, the method of replacement costs, detailed technique, integrated elements technique, indicator technique; mixed approach including: residual method, land appraisal rate method, decommissioning cost method. Valuation of undeveloped urbanized properties including: factors affecting the value of real estate intended for development, selection of the approach and method of valuation depending on the purpose of valuation, selection of information sources and databases, determination of the value of undeveloped urbanized properties. Valuation of real estate developed with single-family residential buildings including: factors affecting the value of real estate developed with single-family residential buildings, selection of valuation approaches and methods depending on the purpose of valuation, selection of information sources and databases, determination of the value of real estate developed with single-family residential buildings. Valuation of real estate developed with multi-family residential buildings and residential premises including: factors affecting the value of real estate developed with multi-family residential buildings and residential premises, selection of the valuation approach and method depending on the purpose of valuation, selection of information sources and databases, determination of the value of real estate developed with multi-family residential buildings and residential premises. Valuation of real estate developed with commercial, service and industrial facilities including: factors affecting the value of real estate developed with commercial, service and industrial facilities, selection of the valuation approach and method depending on the purpose of valuation, selection of information sources and databases, determination of the value of real estate developed with commercial, service and industrial facilities. Other issues important from the point of view of property appraisers making real estate valuations, i.e.: effective communication, assertive behavior and the ability to persuade
Facultative class 5 - selected Issues of real estate valuation

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